Perfocilinne X-19
Rocio Boliver - Vincenzo Carta -
Morgane Wadbled - Isabel Leon
/ photo: Emilie Foudelman / video: Zoilly Molnar /
Artpotheek sans frontières at Molenbeek - Bruxelles 2019.

Isabel Leon / videoperformance.

Morgane Wadbled / Performance.

Rocio Boliver / collaborator: Alexey Solomasov / Performance.

Vincenzo Carta / Performance.

I hate holidays / Performance event.
Ignacio Galilea - Nick Defour - Carles Lopez
/ photo: Eliad Vl / video: Zoilly Molnar /
Artpotheek sans frontières at Molenbeek - Bruxelles 2019.

Ignacio Galilea / performance.

Nick Defour / performance.

Carles Lopez / Reactable performance.

Sociodelic event / performance and video.
Pablo Alvez Artinprocess / Naomi Bielberg-
Morgane Wadbled - Ignacio Galilea - Mireia Arnella / Carles Lopez
/ photo:
/Artpotheek sans frontières at Molenbeek - Bruxelles 2019.
Pablo Alvez Artinprocess / performance.

Carles Lopez / Reactable performance.

Presentation of "Sociodelic project " / Camera - edition: Naomi Bielberg / Performers: Morgane Wadbled - Ignacio Galilea - Mireia Arnella / Styling: Nathan French /

Perfocilinne 008

Rocio Boliver / Alice de Vischer / Mireia Arnella / Veronica Cruz
/ Tales Frey - Eve Bonneau / Thibault Delferiere
/ Ignacio Perez
/ photo: Beatrice Didier - Michel Christelblanch /
video: Zoilly Molnar /
Artpotheek sans frontières at ZSenne Art Lab - Bruxelles 2018.
Alice de Vischer / Performance.

Mireia Arnella / Performance.

Ignacio Perez / Performance.

Veronica Cruz / Performance.

Rocio Boliver / Performance.

Thibault Delferiere / Performance.

Tales Frey - Eve Bonneau / Performance.

Perfocilinne 777
Ramon Churruca - Marita Bullmann - Val Macé - Thomas Saulgrain - Hugo Mega - Natacha Nicora - Nick Defour - Lechedevirgen - Julian Génisson - Velasco Broca
/ photo: Michel Christelblanch / video: Zoilly Molnar
/Artpotheek sans frontières at BARLOK 2017 - Bruxelles .

flyer and nurses / Sabine Molnnar - Morgane Wadbled /.
Marita Bullmann / Performance.

Lechedevirgen / video .

Nick Defour / performance.

Ramon Churruca / performance.

Natacha Nicora / performance.

Thomas Saulgrain - Hugo Mega / performance.

Val Macé / performance.

Perfocilinne 006
Ignacio Galilea / Thibault Delferiere - H1
/ Barbara Roland
/ photo: Michel Christelblanch / video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek sans frontières at Sign6 - Brussels 2016.

Barbara Roland / performance.

Thibault Delferiere - H1 / performance "My creature loves me".

Ignacio Galilea / performance "Navajo Joe goes to Venus".

Perfocilinne 040
Val Macè
video: Ignacio Galilea
/ Artpotheek sans frontières at Sign6 - Brussels 2016.

Perfocilinne 066
Mireia Arnella / Solène de Cock with: Julie Mondor,
Michèlè Laforest, "Ludwing" Bernatéré, Gilles Monfort
/ VDRey Feat Schultz
/ photo: Michel Christelblanch / video: Zoilly Molnar
/Artpotheek sans frontières at Sign6 - Brussels 2016.

Mireia Arnella / performance "Oh FORTUNA!".

Solène de Cock / performance "Qui rencontre le temps".

VDRey Feat Schultz / performance "Ligths OFF".

Perfocilinne 441
Ignacio Galilea / River Lin / Paola Rodriguez
- Stef Meul
/ photo: Eva Campos / video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek sans frontières at Sign6 - Brussels 2014

River Lin / performance "Rviver Walk".

Paola Rodriguez - Stef Meul / performance "Online, Along; Align".

Ignacio Galilea / performance "Durum battle in Mardid".

Perfocilinne 444
Vincenzo Carta / Rae Goodwin /
Anne-Dolores Marcélis.
/ photo: Eva Campos / video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek sans frontières at Sign6 - Brussels 2014.

Anne-Dolores Marcélis / performance "Pousser".

Rae Goodwin / performance "Ancestral calling".

Vincenzo Carta / performance "Hold".

Perfocilinne 114
Eve Bonneau / Thibault Delferiere / Marta Mo.
/ photo: Ignacio Galilea / video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek sans frontières at Sign6 - Brussels 2014.
Thibault Delferiere / performance "Autoportrait modéle".

Eve Bonneau / performance.

Marta Mo / performance "you make me happy".

Perfocilinne 141
Rocio Boliver / Alice de Vischer / Mireia Arnella
/ photo: Nathalie Lemoine / video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek sans frontières at Sign6 - Brussels 2014.

Rocio Boliver / collaborators: Ignacio Galilea - Mireia Arnella - Stef Meul / performance "workshop".

Alice de Vischer / performance.

Mireia Arnella / performance.

Perfocilinne XX1
Marcel.li Antunez Roca
/ photo: Charles Rodriguez
/ video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek - Brussels 2013.
Website Marcel.li Antunez
Since the eighties, Antúnez’s work has been based on a continuous observation of how human desires are expressed and in what specific situations they appear. First in the tribal performances ofLa Furadel Baus and later, on his own, he expressed this interest by creating complex, in many cases hybrid, systems hard to classify. Antúnez’ works belong to the fields of both visual and scenic arts.
From the early nineties, the incorporation and transgression of scientific and technological elements in Antúnez’ work, and their interpretation by means of unique and specific devises, have produced a new cosmogony - warm, raw and ironic - of traditional themes such as affection, identity, or death. In his works these elements take on an extremely human dimension that causes a spontaneous reaction in the audience.

Fue fundador de La Fura dels Baus, colectivo del que formó parte como coordinador artístico, músico y actuante, desde 1979 hasta 1989, con este grupo presentó las macro-performances ACCIONS (1984), SUZ/O/SUZ (1985) y TIER MON (1988). Y también participó desde su fundación, en 1985, hasta su término, en 1992, en el colectivo LOS RINOS.
Desde los años noventa ha seguido su carrera en solitario. El trabajo de Marcel·lí se ha presentado entre otros lugares en La Fundación Telefónica de Madrid, el P.A.C. de Milano, el Lieu Unique de Nantes, el I.C.A. de Londres, la SOU Kapelica Ljubljana, FILE de Sao Paulo, el DOM Cultural Center Moscú, el DAF de Tokio, además de EMAF Osnabruc Alemania, Muu Media festival Helsinki, Noveaux Cinéma Noveaux Médias Montreal, DEAF Rótterdam, Spiel.Art Munich, Ars Electronica de Linz, en el Performing Arts de Seúl Corea o en ZDB de Lisboa.

Perfocilinne 110
Alice de Vischer
/ Nieves Correa - Abel Loureda / Thibault Delferiere
/ Domix Garrido.
/ photo: Beatrice Didier / video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek - Brussels 2013.

Alice de Visscher / performance.

Nieves Correa - Abel Loureda / performance "Les Amants II".

Thibault Delferiere / performance "So much straigth, but for what".

Domix Garrido / performance "Pils against the pain of others".

Perfocilinne 055
Alice de Visscher
/ Béatrice Didier / Gyula Cserepes.
/ photo: Michel Christelbach / video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek sans frontiéres at Sign6 - Brussels 2015.

Alice de Visscher / performance.

Béatrice Didier / performance.

Gyula Cserepes / performance.

Perfocilinne 101
Alice de Visscher / Sabine Molenaar / Gael Cleinow /
Thibault Delferiere - Michael Magerat - Luna Pienna /
/ video: Zoilly Molnar
/ Artpotheek - Brussels 2012.
Alice de Visscher / performance.

Sabine Molenaar / performance.

Thibault Delferiere - Michael Magerat - Luna Pienna / performance.

Gael Cleinow / performance.

Perfocilinne 010
Gaetan Rusquet / Michael Magerat /
Erikk Mckenzie / Javier Murugarren /
/ Photo: Franklin Cando.
/ Artpotheek - Brussels 2013.

Gaetan Rusquet / performance.

Erikk Mckenzie / performance.

Javier Murugarren / performance.

Michael Magerat / performance.

Perfocilinne 011
Rocio Boliver - Jerome Prosperger /
Thibault Delferiere / The Hibryd Hospital
/ photo: Ignacio Galilea /
Artpotheek sans frontières at Molenbeek - Bruxelles 2019.

Thibault Delferiere / performance.

The Hibryd Hospital / performance.

Rocio Boliver and Jerome Prosperger / performance.

Alice de Visscher / Daniel Mariblanca /
Michael Helland / Ignacio Galilea /
photo: Franklin Cando / video: Stef Meul
/ Artpotheek - Brussels 2011.
Perfocilinne 001
Alice de Visscher / performance.

Daniel Mariblanca / performance.

Michael Helland / performance.

Ignacio Galilea / performance.

Opening / Inauguration
Ramon Churruca - Carlos Llavata /
Marta Mo / Frau Picha / Stef Meul
Nurses: Sabine Molennar, Valeria Garre / photo: Franklin Cando/
Artpotheek - Bruxelles 2011.

Ramon Churruca / performance.

Carlos Llavata / performance.

Marta Mo / performance.

Stef Meul - Rossy / performance.

Sabine Molennar as nurse ... brilliant.

The police came to perform also that nigth ...