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Artpotheek / video promo for the opening in 2011.

English below)

Artpotheek es una farmacia de arte. Un espacio independiente para la experimentación y muestra de arte contemporáneo de vanguardia, que ofrece recetas y medicinas artisticas para la higiéne espiritual y tu salud mental.
Fundado en enero del 2011 por Aida Moreno (Jai Du) e Ignacio Galilea. Jai Du como responsable de la gestión y producción e Ignacio Galilea encargado (hasta hoy dia) de la dirección de arte y la curadoria, compartiendo entre los dos las labores de comunicación.
Situado en el en el centro de Bruselas, Artpotheek se ha destacado desde sus inicios por su interés en el art performance, creando un evento mensual "Perfocilinne" dedicado en exclusiva ha este canal artistico.
Nuestra farmacia ha servido de plataforma a nuevos talentos y a figuras consagradas internacionalmente, favoreciendo la presencia de artistas hispano - americanos.
Desde el 2014, Artpotheek deja de tener un espacio fisico propio y se transforma en "Artpotheek sans frontières", organizando nuestros eventos en otros espacios como; ZSenne Art Lab, Barlok, Sign6, Recyclart, Le Lac, Un Peu, Octopus Gallery ...
Hasta el momento se han realizado mas de 35 eventos de performance, 23 exposiciones (sin contar las organizadas por el colectivo BAD en nuestro espacio), se han organizado 11 residencias artisticas y 7 workshops, habiendo mostrado su trabajo màs de 60 artistas de todos los continentes.
Trabajando juntos, como organizadores de eventos artisticos, Jai Du e Ignacio Galilea, son responsables del Festival de Performance "AccionesLEON", realizado para el Ayuntamiento de León en el 2009 (Leon - Spain).

Artpotheek,s fundators /
Festival de Performance "ACCIONesLEON" 2009.

Poster expo "ACCIONesLEON" 2009.
En Artpotheek apoyamos el arte contemporano no comercial, de nuevas propuestas, en el que la calidad representativa, la ironia, el humor, la critica y el riesgo, sean partes fundamentales del proyecto artistico.
Aunque, sobre todo en los eventos de performance, intentamos que la audiencia pueda ver la mayor cantidad de estilos o corrientes diferentes que existen dentro de este arte, incluso si no son de nuestra preferencia.
Ignacio Galilea
Link Website : visual art.
Link Website : performance.

Ramon Churruca in action during the opening ...
Artpotheek is an art pharmacy. An independent space for experimentation and exhibition of avant-garde contemporary art, which offers recipes and artistic medicines for spiritual hygiene and your mental health.
Founded in January 2011 by Aida Moreno (Jai Du) and Ignacio Galilea, with Jai Du being responsible for management and production and Ignacio for art direction and curatorship, sharing communication tasks between the two.
Located in the center of Brussels, Artpotheek has stood out since its inception for its interest in art performance, creating a monthly event "Perfocilinne" dedicated exclusively to this artistic channel.
Our pharmacy has served as a platform for new talents and internationally established figures, favoring the presence of Hispanic-American artists.
Since 2014, Artpotheek stops having its own physical space and transforms into "Artpotheek sans frontières", organizing our events in other artistic spaces, such as; ZSenne Art Lab, Barlok, Sign6, Recyclart, Le Lac, Un Peu, Octopus Gallery...
To date, more than 35 performance events have been held, 23 exhibitions (not counting those organized by the BAD collective in our space), 11 artistic residencies and 7 workshops have been organized, with more than 60 artists from all continents having shown their work.
At Artpotheek we support non-commercial contemporary art, with new proposals, in which representative quality, irony, humor, criticism and risk are fundamental parts of the artistic project.
Although, especially in performance events, we try to ensure that the audience can see as many different styles or currents that exist within this art, even if they are not our preference.


Artpotheek, as an independent and self-managed project, would not have been possible without the invaluable help and love of great friends and collaborators such as:
Lasha Tsuladze, Alfredo Escobar, Anneleen Hubrecht, Morgane Wadbled, Zoilly Molnar, Sabine Molenar, Valeria Garre, Kris Engelen, Mireia Arnella, Naomi Bielberg, Arnaud Denayer, Franklin Cando, Fred Postiau, Stef Meul, Eliad VL, Emilie Foudelman, Michel Christelblanch, Roberto Flores, Carles Lopez, Eva Campos, Lucho Leiva, Marta Mo, Louis Labadens, Alice Franco ... sure I forget somebody, sorry).
As well as the collaboration with other friendly spaces such as; ZSenne Art Lab, Le Chien Perdu, Micro Marche, Volksroom, Barlok, Cuns Link Gallery, Camping Town, Le Lac, Un Peu or Octopus Gallery.

News / Coming up ...
NEXT 27th October 2023 !.
Artpotheek sans frontières, presents:
Performances: Rocío Boliver / Thibault Delferiere
+ Table ronde publique "Performance and censure":
avec la participation de: Ron Athey, Ignacio Galilea, Leticia Izquierdo,
Amelia Jones, Dominic Johnson, Lois Keidan, Antoine Pickels et Sheree Rose.
prix conseillé : 5eur.
Event start at 18:30h / on 27th October.
Octopus Art Center / Rue haute 253, 1000 Brussels