Residences / Workshops

Residence: ZSenne Art Lab / July 2023 - Brussels
/ Josechu Davila -Antonio de la Rosa
/ The Art Palace /.
Artpotheek sans frontières, is extremely happy to bring to Brussels the most resounding and powerful medicines that exist today outside of Belgium, organizing at ZSenne Art Lab, the residency of two icons, two legends of art underground in Spain: Josechu Davila and Antonio de la Rosa. / That together they are "The Art Palace" /

JOSECHU DAVILA:Works with emptiness, waste and uselessness as references, disrupting situations to generate emotions that remain in no man's land. / Link Website /.
ANTONIO DE LA ROSA:Many of his works are measured from a humorous point of view and certain projects are very drawn to the limit of positions which put in tension the idea of freedom or legality. / Link video /.
THE ART PALACE: The Art Palace is a joint project between these two artists. Under the philosophy of ZERO COST, ZERO BENEFIT, since 2002. The Art Palace has only requested one economic subsidy in its entire history, in the amount of €0 and it was refused. / Link website /.

Residence: Artpotheek - Cuns Link Gallery / June 2018 /
Yansy Soler Peña
/ Water and poison /
Just as a celebration of the grotesque and monstrosity, the scenes are charged with irony and subversion. I consider my work to be strongly related to baroque imaginary. The dashing, the excess, the ridiculous, the extravagant. Originally, Baroque was a demeaning word that meant dishonest, capricious, overloaded. It is also “the weird”.
In Cuba, my home country, we have the saying that say that the Cubans are the only beings in the world who like to laugh at their own misery, and my work is strongly related to this Caribbean insular philosophy. Maybe because, when I drawn, everything looses part of it importance.

Some pics about the showing end of residence at Cuns Link Gallery.

Residences : / 2016 - 2017/

Artpotheek sans frontières
During 2017 and part of 2018, Artpotheek sans frontières goes to be collaborating with Barlok, in the organization of the artistic residences, workshops and events of performance.

Ignacio Galilea inaugurated the artistic residencies in Barlok, after finishing it, they proposed to him (as head of Artpotheek), to take charge of events related to the visual arts.
In exchange Ignacio will have a permanent studio for his work.
Ignacio Galilea inauguro las residencias artisticas en Barlok, después de terminarla, le proponen ( como responsable de Artpotheek), hacerse cargo de los eventos relaccionados con las artes visuales (residencias, workshops, expos y eventos de performance), a cambio de un estudio fijo para su trabajo.
First showing of Artpotheek in Barlok (end 2016).


Collectif de Marseille.
installation dans leur box / création dans la grande salle / des fois salle de concert car ils comptent aussi faire des trucs avec la sono.
Évènement autour de leur créa, entre installations (avec échafaudages), perf's, concerts etc... dans une ambiance bien noise.

Lucila Prestach
web :
Mon projet est une installation vidéo et une installation sonore qui va fonctionner ensemble dans le même espace.
Morgane Wadbled.
During this residence, I want to work with a very specific object: barbed wire. Sculpting, building nests, creating big and intimate spaces where we will explore possibilities of body's movements with such a restrictive material. According to the possibilities of spaces I also want to build (with different wasted stuff) a typical belgian custody cell wich will be a support for a performance.

Illustration /
photo/ objects / installation /


Hemos realizado cuatro fantasticos workshops de Performance con: Eve Bonneau, Quimera Rosa y 2 con Rocio Boliver. Uno de creatividad visual con Ignacio Galilea y otro de "Reactable" con Carles Lopez.
We have held four fantastic Performance workshops with: Eve Bonneau, Quimera Rosa and 2 with Rocio Boliver. One of visual creativity with Ignacio Galilea and another of "Reactable" with Carles Lopez.