Email: galilea.ignacio@gmail.com

Visual Art Web: https://galileaignacio.wixsite.com/visual-art
MINibio /
Born in Madrid, he obtained a degree in Illustration Techniques from the Madrid School of Applied Arts and Crafts n°10, and started out as a drafts- man and illustrator founding independent comic publishing house “Produkziones Infinitas”.
Since 1992 he has developed his career as a painter exhibiting his work in different galleries in Spain, Italy, Brussels and Lima (Peru).
As a performance artist he was a member of Ritual Art Company “Odelot”, and co-founder of “Mudanzas Contemporaneas” performance-art group in public spaces. He was on tour with “Hipermembrana” (Mechatronic Performance) by Marceli.li Antunez Roca.
In addition he has taken part in challenging projects and festivals including the Contemporary Art Museum (Naples), Art Futura 07 (Barcelona), Ex Teresa Arte Actual (Mexico DF), MoisMulti (Quebec), 3rd International Meeting “Art is Action 09” (CDN Madrid), Recyclart (Brussels), Antic Teatre (Barce- lona), Overtoom 301 (Amsterdam), MEM festival (Bilbao) ...
As independent curator and art performance events organizer, he is responsible of the Performance art festival "ACCIONesLEON 09" (León's Town hall) and nowadays, the performance events (Perfocilinne) realized at Artpotheek (Brussels).
Nace en Madrid.
Estudiando en las Escuelas de Artes y Oficios n°1 y n°10 de Madrid, comienza su carrera como dibujante e ilustrador. Co-fundador del sello editorial independiente de comic Produkziones Infinitas. Como pintor desde 1992 expone en distintas galerías en España, Italia, Bruselas y Lima (Peru). Como performer ha formado parte en la compañía de Arte Ritual "Odelot” durante tres años. Es co-fundador junto al poeta Julius Mirlo, del grupo de intervención en espacios públicos “Mudanzas Contemporáneas”.
Actuó como performer con Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca en la gira de "Hipermembrana" (Mechatronic performance).
Ha participado como artista de acción en numerosos encuentros y festivales como por ejemplo; Contemporary Art Museum (Nápoles), Art Futura 07 (Barcelona), BEM 07 (Burgos), La Fabrika (Padova), MoisMulti (Quebec), III Encuentro Internacional El Arte es Acción 09 (CDN / Madrid), Antic Teatre (Barcelona), Overtoom 301 (Amsterdam), Recyclart (Bruselas), MEM Festival (Bilbao), ExTeresa Arte Actual (Mexico DF)...
Como comisario independiente y organizador de eventos es responsable del Festival de Performance ACCIONesLEON 09 (Ayuntamiento de León) y actualmente del comisariado entre otros de los eventos de performance realizados en el espacio Artpotheek (Bruselas).
Galilea's art-works use an expressive and intense language and it revolves around that direct and different input awaking a new way of thinking about the reality and dealing with the structure which can not be seen but it moves all. Thus, he generally starts from extreme personal and common situations for all human being or society. He uses a cosmovisive perspective to understand and to show his ideas. All of it, leads to the creation of the "Sociodelic performance". A performance with a baroque semiotic and kaleidoscopic enhanced by the use of multiple artistic channels for its development.Other identity signals of this lively artist are the critical and uncomfortable sense, the colour, the irony, the negation or the humour.

Fest AccionEsLeon 09 / Spain

“La Performeria” art performance fanzine.
Edition: Carlos Llavata & Ignacio Galilea / Collaborator: Ramon Churruca.
Supported for Windsor Kulturginza Gallery (Bilbao) and Antic Teatre (Barcelona).
La Performeria 001: https://issuu.com/galileaignacio/docs/laperformeria001
La Performeria 002: http://issuu.com/galileaignacio/docs/laperformeria002

Artpotheek / Art Director and curator of "Perfocilinne" (art performance events) and visual art exhibitions since 2011.
Link Video : 2011 Events.
Link Video : 2012/2013 Events.
Link Video : 2014 Events.

Accion es LEON 09 / Festival performance
Director of Performance Festival “ACCIÓNesLEÓN 09”. Realizated for Town Hall of León. Spain. . Collective exhibition "Tropas de Refresco". Town Hall of León. Spain.

Link video: Performance Festival “ACCIÓNesLEÓN 09.

cv / Ridiculum
Selected works:
Performance "Sweet Perfo". With Natacha Nicora. ENACT event / SeeU, Brussels.
Solo Performance "My Ketchup". Homography-Homografia Fest / Tri Postal, Brussels.
Performance LOS INTENSOS, with Carles Lopez. ZSenne Art Lab / Brussels.
Solo Performance. “Animales Muertos”. ZSenne Art Lab, Brussels.
Solo Performance.”BioArt”. Artpotheek sans frontéires / Brussels, and Reina Sofia museum / Madrid.
Solo performance.”Sociodelique Overdose”. Le Lac, Brussels.
“Transconceptual” with Rocio Boliver at ZSenne Art Lab, Brussels.
Solo Performance: “Dadadada”. Dada! event. Paris.
Performance "BienvenUE", with Olivier Jamulle and Justine. BienvenUE Exhibition - Musée L / Louvain-la-Neuve. (BE).
Solo Performance ”Nuit Large”. Le Lac, Brussels.
Performance “Sexual teraphy for the city” with Mireia Arnella, Brussels.
Solo Performance. “Gros” event, Le Lac, Brussels.
Solo performance "Monstercilinne 300mg" at Cunst Link Gallery / Brussels.
Performance:Rocio Boliver & Ignacio Galilea / "VIGIL" event at Performance Space / Folkstone (ENG).
Solo performance "CHA". Brussels Poetry Fest at BELvue Museum / Brussels.
Direction & Choreo. of "Goldengas" Performance; with Carles Lopez (Audio) and Susana Goulart (Performer), Antic Teatre / Barcelona. Copro- duction with Konvent (Berga) and El Graner (BCN).
Workshop Performance & idea / giving by Ignacio Galilea. Barlok / Brussels.
Solo performance at "Intramurs" fest (Valencia / Spain).
Solo performance, Brussels Poetry Fest at BELvue Museum / Brussels.
Solo Performance "Mardid" . "The sparkling passengers" (curated by Arianne Foks). Event at Rotulux (Paris).
Workshop Performance & Character Building giving by Ignacio Galilea & Nathan French. Barlok / Brussels.
Solo performance: "Ivan Noria", costume: Nathan French. Art Brussels Fair / Brussels.
Solo performance: "Ivan Noria - Bipolar manifest", costume: Nathan French. Zsenne Art Lab / Brussels.
Performance “Luminous Darkness” with Nathan French, Nuit Blanche, Brussels.
Solo Performance “ Durum Battle in Mardid”. Antic Teatre, Barcelona.
Direction & Choreo. of “50 movimientos de Sudra ” performed by Susana Goulart, Antic Teatre (BCN).
Solo Performance “Navajo”. MEM Festival, Bilbao (Spain).
Performance Nâgas; project of Kelzang Ravach. Nuit Blanche, Brussels.
Solo Performance “Cynique”. Gallerie 21, Recyclart. Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Navajo”. Volksroom, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Durum Battle in Mardid”. Sign6. Bruxelles.
Performance "Hipermembrana" with Marcelí Antúnez Roca. Arts Santa Monica. Barcelona. Performance “ Estampas Congeladas” with Rocio Boliver. Perfocilinne 141, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Navajo Joe goes to Venus”. Acciòn! MAD festival, Madrid.
Performance in public space; “Insert Coin” with Mireia Arnella. Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Protocol 101”. Antic Teatre. Barcelona.
Solo Performance “ La Performeria 002”. Antic Teatre. Barcelona.
Performance in public space; “Zebras Arts Loi” with Mireia Arnella. Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Navajo Joe goes to Venus”. Sign6. Bruxelles.
Solo Performance done in Perfocilinne 003 event. Artpotheek Gallery, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Protocol 011”. ExTeresa Arte Actual, Mexico DF.
Solo Performance "Neron". ZSenne Gallery, Bruselas. Belgique.
Solo Performance “ LIE”. Artpotheek Gallery, Brussels.
Solo Performance "The Dictator". Le Chien Perdu, Brussels.
Solo Performance “ Protocol 011”. Nau Estruch, Sabadell, Barcelona.
Solo Performance “ Protocol 010”. Overtoom 301, Amsterdam.
Solo Performance “ Protocol 001”. (sound:QuiltSuns) Volksroom, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Moustiques”. UBL University, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Timecilinne”. Artpotheek Gallery, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance “ Microcilinne”. Micro Marche, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance. Magic Mirrow, Bruxelles.
Solo Performance "Brussels Laundry". Le Chien Perdu, Bruxelles.
Performance "Hipermembrana" with Marcelí Antúnez Roca. Autitorium di Roma, Roma.
Solo Performance "Intersection 001". Le Chien Perdu, Bruxelles. Belgique.
Solo Performance "Porfortuna". Windsor Kulturgintza Gallery, Bilbao. Spain.
Performance with Mudanzas Contemporáneas. “ACCIÓNesLEÓN 09” Festival. León, Spain.
Performance "Anticucho" with Julius Mirlo. La Sala, Lima (Peru).
Performance "Box in the Suitcase" with Carlos Llavata. Gran Via street, Madrid. Spain.
Performance "Hipermembrana" with Marcelí Antúnez. “El Arte es Acciòn” Festival. CDN, Madrid.
Solo Performance "Cosmovisión ", Chincharte Festival . Chinchilla Auditorium, Albacete. Spain. Performance "Hipermembrana" with Marcelí Antúnez. Mois Multi Festival, Quebec.
Solo Performance "Plasma". (Sound: Jarjor) Ciudad de León Auditorium. Leon, Spain.
Performance with Mudanzas Contemporáneas. "Mudanza de Mapa". El Mono Tinta Gallery, Madrid. Performance with Nico Baixas. Indisciplines Festival "Cultura en Crisi", Barcelona.
Performance "Via Vitale II" . IV International Meeting on Performance. Art Modern Center, Madrid. Performance with Mudanzas Contemporáneas. " Mudanza de Sopa " simultaneusly in Madrid, Cusco (Peru) and Barcelona.
Performance with Mudanzas Contemporáneas. " Mudanza Digestiva", Metro, Madrid.
Performer. “Hipermembrana” with Marcelí Antúnez Roca. Temporada Alta Festival, Girona, Spain. Performer. “Hipermembrana”, Art Futura 07. Mercat de les Flors Theater ( Barcelona). Spain.
Opera- Performance "ODELOT" Art Ritual Company. Chamber Opera "El Greco". Círculo de Arte de Toledo. Spain.
Solo Performance "Without Orchestra". III International Perfo Meeting. Art Modern Center, Madrid. Performance “Via Vitale”. International Event “Passe- giatta Efimera tre”. La Fabrika (Padova) Italy. Performance with Marcelí Antúnez "Hipermembrana PDL". Art Center Ladines, (Asturias) Spain. Performance with "ODELOT" Art Ritual Company. Performance Festival BEM (Burgos), Spain.
Virtual Actor for Mechatronic Performance “Hipermembrana” by Marcelí Antúnez Roca.
Filmed in; Art Center Ladines (Asturias), L animal a L esquena (Gerona) y Panspermia Studio (BCN). Performance. “Hipermembrana”. Vic Scenic Arts University , Gerona. Spain.
Performance with Mudanzas Contemporáneas. " Mudanza Expatera ", Madrid.
Performance with "ODELOT" Art Ritual Company. ” RRR” Inauguration Contemporary Art Museum of Casoria (Naples), Italy.
Mudanzas Contemporaneas. "Ven y Vino" Performance Event. El Mono de la Tinta Gallery, Madrid. Performance "ODELOT" Art Ritual Company. Inaugura- tion FAIM (Independent Art Fair Madrid). Performance “Without Orchestra” done in Scenic Arts Festival “Jovenes en Círculo” (Toledo) Spain. Performance with "ODELOT" Art Ritual Company. International Art Meeting “NEXO 2006” and “TEA” Festival (Círculo de Arte Toledo), Spain.
Co-founder art performance group. "Mudanzas Contemporaneas" performance to the dawn. Action group ,urban performance & intervantion in public spaces; “Senda Mudanza” (Madrid), “INdiGentes” (Metro Madrid). Encajada” and “ Mudanza Patera” ( Nominated for “Pueblo Nuevo” Prices 2006 Madrid by his social commitment).
In Museum
Video Performance. "ODELOT" Art Ritual Company. Piece: ”RRR” Contemporary Art Museum of Casoria (Naples). Link: https://vimeo.com/43795435
“La Performeria” art performance fanzine / edition: Carlos Llavata & Ignacio Galilea / Collaborator: Ramon Churruca. Supported for Windsor Kulturginza Gallery (Bilbao) and Antic Teatre (Barcelona).
La Performeria 001: https://issuu.com/galileaignacio/docs/laperformeria001
La Performeria 002: http://issuu.com/galileaignacio/docs/laperformeria002
Independient Curator and Art Events Production:
. Director of I Performance Festival “ACCIÓNesLEÓN 09”. Realizated for Town Hall of León. Spain. . Collective exhibition "Tropas de Refresco". Town Hall of León. Spain.
. Curator in Artpotheek Gallery, Brussels: “Perfocilinne” art performance events, and nowadays with Artpotheek sans frontières.
ENTREVISTA Antic Teatre : Protocol.