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in Public spaces

2021 / Performance: "BIO Art"
On December 26 of 2019, I decided to give 15 paintings at the door of the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid to street random people, with the only condition to answer a question... "Why did you choose this painting?". Bio Art is about the respect to the art piece as a living being. The art piece does not need the galleries, museums or the art market for its good karma ... The piece of art just needs to be shown and someone who wants it.

Link video: Bio Art.


El dia 26 de diciembre del 2019, decidi regalar 15 cuadros en la puerta del museo Reina Sofia de Madrid a gente de la calle, con la unica condicion de responder a una pregunta ... "Porqué has elegido, entre todas, ésta pintura?".Bio Art trata del respeto a la pieza de arte como ser vivo. La obra de arte no necesita del mercado del arte para el buen desarrollo de su Karma. Solo necesita ser mostrada y querida por alguien (si luego ese alguien se la lleva o compra mucho mejor). 

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2017 / Performance: "Sexual Therapy for the city"

Performers:  Mireia Arnella & Ignacio Galilea / photo: Naninca Lemmens.
Link video:
sexual city.

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2021 / Performance: "Golfo" / Ignacio Galilea / Brussels 2012.

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2013 / Performance: "Insert Coin"

Performance: Mireia Arnella & Ignacio Galilea / European Comission - Bruxelles. / Photo: Stef Meul.
Link video
: insert coin.

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2013 / Performance: "Zebras"

Arts Loi street - Bruxelles 2013 / performer: Mireia Arnella & Ignacio Galilea. / Photo: Stef Meul.

The action reflects about human relations and gender equality. It takes place in a context defined by the rhythm of the city, with a traffic light that sets the pace of the performance.

Link video: Zebra.

Reflexiona acerca de las relaciones humanas y la igualdad de género. Ocurre en un contexto definido por el ritmo de la ciudad donde las luces del semáforo determinan el tiempo de la acción.

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2013 / Performance: "Box in the Suit Case" / Carlos LLavata & Ignacio Galilea. / Gran Via srteet - Madrid 2009

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2006 / Performance: "Germinal"

Performance by Odelot Arte ritual group (Miguel Angel Maroto, Ignacio Galilea,Lola Fernandez, Isaac Maroto. / Direction: LOC / Pantano de Cijara, Spain.

Link video: Germinal.


MUDANZAS CONTEMPORANEAS / Performance al amanecer. 

Performance group focused on action and intervention in public spaces, founded by Julius Mirlo and Ignacio Galilea, in Madrid 2006.

A premise with which the group was born is to perform in the street while dawn ... in a time frame where the light changes,  part of the population ends its day and others begin it ... it is a very special time of day where it seems that everything is possible and more magical.

Others performers who worked with: Ana Celada, Rebeca Miranda, Miguel Angel Maroto, Begoña Grande, Ianire, Olaya Real, Cubo, Kike Palomo, Isaac Maroto. Photo - camera: Julia Santamaria, Juan Carlos Marin.

Grupo de performance, accion e intervencion en espacios publicos creado en 2006 por Ignacio Galilea y Julius Mirlo. Una premisa con la que nace el grupo es la de realizar las performances en la calle mientras amanece ... en una franja de tiempo donde la luz cambia y donde parte de la poblacion termina su jornada y otros la empiezan ... un momento del dia muy especial donde parece que todo es posible y mas magico.

"MUDANZA DE PIEDRA" / performers: Julius Mirlo, Ana Celada, Ignacio Galilea. / Madrid 2007.

We placed the first performatic stone of history in the pharaonic works of the M-30 in Madrid.To achieve a space of more creative creative spirit magical and volatile / Photo: Juan Carlos Marin.

Link video: Mudanza de piedra.


Colocamos la primera piedra performatica de la historia en las faraónicas obras de la M-30 en Madrid.Para conseguir un espacio de espíritu más artístico creativo mágico y volátil.


"MUDANZA PATERA" / performers: Julius Mirlo, Ana Celada, Ignacio Galilea, Rebeca Miranda, Begoña Grande, Ianire, Olaya Real, Cubo, Kike Palomo, Isaac Maroto. / Madrid 2006.

To visualize the problem, we send the first direct boat from Africa to Madrid (Lago Casa de Campo).

Link video: Mudanza de patera.

Para visivilizar el problema, hacemos que llegue la primera patera directa de Africa a Madrid.

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"MUDANZA EXPATERA" / performers: Julius Mirlo, Ana Celada, Ignacio Galilea, Begoña Grande, Ianire. / Madrid 2007.

Reflect on the welcome and integration of immigrants.

Link video: Mudanza de expatera.


Reflexion sobre la acojida e integracion de los inmigrantes.


"MUDANZA DIJESTIVA" / performers: Julius Mirlo, Ana Celada, Ignacio Galilea, Begoña Grande, Ianire. / Madrid 2008.

Mudanzas meets to talk about his projects organizing a full breakfast inside the circular line of the Madrid Metro.

Link video: Mudanza dijestiva.

Mudanzas se reune para hablar de sus proyectos organizando un desayuno completo dentro de la linea circular del Metro de Madrid.


"IN DI GENTES" / performers: Julius Mirlo e Ignacio Galilea. / Madrid 2006.

installation of different materials as homeless. 

instalacion de distintos materiales a modo de indigentes. 


"MUDANDA DE MAPA" / performers: Julius Mirlo, Ignacio Galilea, Ana Celada, Begoña Grande, Ianire. / Galeria "El Modo de la Tinta", Madrid 2008.

Performative presentation about the work of the group during its first three years.

Presentacion performatica del trabajo del grupo durante sus tres primeros años. 


"SENDA MUDANDA" / performers: Julius Mirlo, Ignacio Galilea, Miguel Angel e Isaac Maroto y Rebeca Miranda / Madrid 2006.

To connect doors of houses with roads of communication.

Unir puertas de viviendas con caminos de comunicacion.

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