2021 / Performance: "Sweet perfo" / Ignacio Galilea & Natacha Nicora / Done at EnAct event in SeeU, Bruxelles. / Photo: Michel Christelbach - Caroline Vincart.
Sociodelic performance that reflects on the concept of "pure sensitivity".
Link Video: "Sweet perfo".
Performance sociodélica que reflexiona sobre el concepto de "pura sensibilidad".

2020 / Art Performance Concert "LOS INTENSOS" by Carles Lopez & Ignacio Galilea / Done in ZSenne Art Lab - Brussels / Photo: Eliad VL. / Thanks to Arnaud Denayer / Event supported by Artpotheek sans frontières.
Link video: Poulet Pané.

2018 / Performance: "BienvenUE". / Performers: Olivier Jamoulle, Ignacio Galilea, Justine / Université de Louvain la Neuve - Belgium.
Réflexion sur la gestion de la migration et de l'acceuil des réfugiers par l'union Européenne.
Link Video: "BienvenUE".
Reflexion sobre la gestion de la inmigracion de refujiados por la Union Europea.

2020 / Deconstruction 2020 / Written, directed and filmed by A314. Edited by Georgios Polymeris / Starring: Ignacio Galilea.
Original short fiction film produced by Seventea Studios for the competition Enter the world of Hans Zimmer, The Dark Knight - Orchestra Suite.
Link Video: Hans Zimmer.

2018 / Performance Vigil: Sex 2020 / Rocio Boliver e Ignacio Galilea / ]performance s p a c e [ in Folkstone - England /
Link Video: Vigil: Sex.

2016 / Performance: "Hipermembrana" by Antunez Roca / Performer and virtual actor: Ignacio Galilea /photo: Carles Rodriguez.
Done in: Vic (Gerona), Festival Temporada Alta (Gerona), Art Futura (BCN), Auditorium di Roma (Roma), Festival "El Arte es Accion" (CDN Madrid), Arts Santa Monica (BCN) and Mois Multi (Quebec).
Hipermembrana sets out to explore the nature of myths, and to this end it combines different elements such as the landscape of Dante’s hell, the myth of the Minotaur and the shape of the eucariotic cell. These elements are interconnected using a narrative technique that consists of layering graphic and literary story-lines thus enabling unexpected twists and turns and a wealth of creative expression. The choice of the Minotaur as the central figure of the performance allows for interesting metaphors, such as for example the conflict between rationality and animal nature in humans.
Link video: "Hipermembrana" (Full perfo Quebec).
Hipermembrana intenta profundizar en la naturaleza del mito, y para ello combina diferentes elementos como la topografía del Infierno de Dante, el mito del Minotauro y la forma de la célula eucariota. Estos elementos se articulan mediante una técnica narrativa que consiste en superponer los argumentos gráficos y literarios, lo que permite giros inesperados y una gran riqueza expresiva. La elección del mito del Minotauro como figura central de esta performance ofrece interesantes metáforas, como por ejemplo la del conflicto entre la racionalidad y la animalidad del ser humano.


2015 / Direction and Choreographer of " 50 Movimientos de Sudra para célula flamenca" / performer: Susana Goulart / Premiere in Antic Teatre - Barcelona / photo: Antic Teatre.
Link video: Sudra.
Dirección y coreografía de " 50 Movimientos de Sudra para célula flamenca", performance creada para Susana Goulart / Estreno en Antic Teatre, Barcelona / photo: Antic Teatre.

2014 / Performance: Nâgas / concept & mise en scène : Kelzang Ravach. Done in Nuit Blanche, Brussels. / Performers: Ignacio Galilea, Sido Nadege, Paula R Chavez, Morgane Wadbled, Val Macé / photo: Thibault Grégoire, Joana Mendes, Barbara Calonger.
Link video:
"Behind the window, beyond the screen, you’re immersed in an imaginary poetic bubble: the tropical, dreamlike world of the Nâgas – strange, jagged, colourful creatures who guard the secrets of the sea and the earth. Do join in their mysterious dance, but be careful, the Nâgas are sensitive and reactive: altering their emotions can bring prosperity, but can just as easily unleash a cataclismo".
Detrás de la ventana, más allá de la pantalla estás inmerso en una imaginaria burbuja poética, el mundo de ensueño de los Nâgas, criaturas que guardan el secreto del mar y la tierra. Unete a su danza misteriosa con cuidado, ellos son sensibles y alterar sus emociones puede traer prosperidad pero también fácilmente provocar un cataclismo.

2005 / Performance: "RRR" by Odelot Arte Ritual group (Ignacio Galilea, Miguel A Maroto, Ana Celada), direction: LOC / Contemporary Art Museum Casoria, Naples 2005.
About the life and the death, it is inspired by the wolf mother of Roma.
Link video RRR: RRR performance.
Sobre la vida y la muerte, performance inspirada en la loba capitolina.

2007 / Performance: "El Greco" Chamber Opera Performance by Odelot Arte Ritual (Miguel Angel Maroto, Ana Celada, Ignacio Galilea, Ianire, Begoña Grande, Carolina Touceda / direction: LOC / Done in Círculo de Arte de Toledo, España.
Link video: TEA.
Inspired by the Greco`s life.
Inspirada en la vida de el Greco.

2006 / Performance: "Cisma"/ by Odelot Arte Ritual group / direction: LOC / performers: Miguel Angel Maroto, Ignacio Galilea,Lola Fernandez, Rebeca Miranda, Alma / photo: Cris / Done in Círculo de Arte de Toledo, España.
Link video: TEA.
About the power of simbols.
Sobre el poder de los símbolos.

2006 / Performance: "Hipermembrana PDL".
Direction: Antunez Roca / performers: Antunez Roca , Cuco Suarez, Ignacio Galilea, Begoña Grande, Monica Cofiño, Alba Giraldi. Centro de Arte Ladines, España.