Solo Performance / Selection
2022 / Performance: "Tresor sous-marin" .
Done at Volksroom- Brussels . Photo: Johan Pijpops.
Ignacio Galilea directing Ivan Noria

2020 / Performance: "My ketchup" .
Done at Homografia - Homography Fest at Le Tri Postal - Brussels . Photo: Eliad VL.
Ignacio Galilea criticizes the deep contrast between the infinite identities one can develop in life and the limited, gender-driven social impositions we all face since birth.
Link Video: Homography Fest.

2019 / Performance: "Durum Battle in Mardid".
Music: Kris Engelen / Photo: Alessia Bombaci - Eva Campos.
Done in: Perfocilinne_441 at Sign6 (Bruxelles) / Antic Teatre (Barcelona) / Barlok (Bruxelles),MEM Festival (Bilbao) and Rotulux (Paris).
This performance, resulting from a real-life experience of a bureaucratic error, ponders identity, our social system and human stupidity.
Link video:
Una performance que a raíz de la experiencia vivida por error burocrático, reflexiona sobre la identidad, nuestro sistema social y la estupidez humana.

2017/ Performance: "Monstercilline 300mg".
Done in: Cunst Link Gallery - Brussels. / Photo: Roberto Flores Moncada.
This performance, resulting from a real-life experience when I was sharing space during a year, in a place considered as "the underground temple in Brussels".
Una performance que resulta de mi experiencia vivida durante un año, compartiendo espacio, en el considerado como "Templo del underground en Bruselas". Event supported by Artpotheek sans frontières.

2017 / "CHA" Performance.
Done in Brussels Poetry Fest at BELvue Museum (Brussels). / Photo: Zoilly Molnar.
This performance talks about the "Cosmovision Horizontal Aplicada"; a new system of living nowadays, following a sociodelic way for it, and avoiding the people from being calling you a madman.
Link Video: "CHA".
Sobre la "Cosmovisión Horizontal Aplicada", un nuevo sistema para vivir hoy en día de manera sociodélica sin que te llamen loco.

2019 / Performance: "Hate holidays".
Artpotheek sans fronteires - Brussels. / Photo: Eliad VL.
About new technology, comunication and the misunderstanding.
Acerca de las nuevas tecnologias, la comunicacion y los malos entendidos.

2016 / Sociodélic Channel .
Camera - edition: Naomi / Costume: Nathan French.
Link video: Tutorial.

2019 / Performance Sociodélica "Overdose".
Le Lac - Bruxelles.
Performance closing of my exhibition "Sociodelic Overdose". / photo: Kieran Labarrete.

2018 / Performance: "Navajo Joe goes to Venus".
Virtual Actors: Ariane Foks, Morgane Wadbled, Mireia Arnella, Fleur Kani / Done in: Accion!MAD (Madrid), Antic Teatre (Barcelona), Sign6 (Bruxelles), MEM Festival (Bilbao) / Photo: Antic Teatre.
A performance that ironically reflects on the importance of the art and the mistake for the human evolution. Metaphorically, the above mentioned evolution can create the possibility that an Indian does a performance in Venus. virtual actors: Arianne Foks, Morgane Wadbled, Fleur Khani, Mireia Arnella camera: Zoilly - photo: Raùl Perez / photos: Antic Teatre.
Link video:
Una performance que reflexiona irónicamente sobre la importancia del arte y el error, para la evolución humana. Metafóricamente, dicha evolución puede crear la posibilidad de que un indio haga una performance en Venus.

2015 / Performance: "Protocol_010" .
Fest: "El Sonido de la ultima carcajada" - ExTeresa, Mexico DF / curator: Carlos Jaurena / Photo: Oliver Ludwing and Luis Felipe H. / Others version of Protocol were done in; Le Chien Perdu (Brussels), Nau Estruch (Sabadell), Antic Teatre (Barcelona) and Overtoom 301 (Amsterdam).
Link Video:
It is a sociodelic performance showing a dimensional map that allows us to see at one and the same time the many other different realities existing alongside ours, and that affect ours in some definite way. By unconventional means, this performance uses various impulses, concepts, frequencies, references and artistic channels to create a baroque text that gives rise to an entire kaleidoscope of interpretations.
Protocol nos muestra un mapa dimensional que nos permite ser conscientes al mismo tiempo de otras muchas realidades que marchan entorno nuestro y que nos afectan de manera determinante. Es una Performance Sociodelica que genera una semiótica barroca, derivando en un caleidoscopio de lecturas.

2012 / Performance: "Timecilinne".
Event: Perfocilinne_001 at Artpotheek - Bruxelles 2011 / Photo: Franklin Cando.
About chance, life, and the time as a drug.
Link video:
Sobre el azar que determina la vida y el tiempo como droga.

2011/ Performance: "LIE".
Done in Artpotheek Gallery - Bruxelles. / Collaborator: Vassilis (ex profesional soldier). / Photo: Franklin Cando.
About art, war, society and líes.
Sobre el arte, la guerra, la sociedad y la mentira.

2013 / Performance: "The Dictator".
Done in Le Chien Perdu - Bruxelles. / Costume: La Maria.
About power, space and the objects dance.
Link video:
Reflexion sobre el poder, el espacio y la danza de objetos.

2010 / Performance: "Intersection 010".
Le Chien Perdu / Bruxelles.
This sociodelic performance with a realistic ending, reflects about new spaces between dimensions.
Una performance sociodélica de final realista que reflexiona sobre nuevos espacios entre dimensiones.

2010 / Performance: "Cynique".
Event: organized by "JAJAJA" at Galerie 21 du Recyclart, Brussels. photo: Michel
About bla bla bla bla bla ... and time.
Sobre bla bla bla bla bla ... y el tiempo.

2008 / Performance: "Plasma".
Done in: Ciudad de León Auditorium, León - Spain. / Sound: Jargor - technician: Jesus.
Link video Plasma:
Metamorphosis. Evolving and developing of the pictorial work that by means of the performance turns into support for the projection of the action that has transformed it. Plasma speaks on the defenselessness of the painting opposite to the new artistic trends, turning it through the performance, in installation multimedia without stopping being a painting.
Metamorfosis. Evolución y desarrollo de la obra pictórica que mediante la performance se convierte en soporte para la proyección de la acción que los ha transformado. Plasma habla sobre la indefension de la pintura frente a las nuevas tendencias artísticas, convirtiéndola a través de la performance, en instalación multimedia sin dejar de ser pintura.

2009 / Performance: "Cósmico Sernoso" / Chincharte Festival / Chinchilla (Albacete) Spain. / Curator: Rei Fah.
Performance tribute to Ramon Gomez de la Serna.
Performance homenaje a Ramon Gomez de la Serna.

2006 / Performance: "Via Vitale".
Done in La Fabrika - Padova and Centro de Arte Moderno, Madrid.
About the price that it is necessary to pay to obtain your aim.
Sobre el precio que hay que pagar para conseguir tu objetivo.